This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101000348.
Revenue diversification pathways in Africa through bio-based and circular agricultural innovations.
We are participating in the DIVAGRI project
The DIVAGRI project proposes a wide range of bio-based innovative solutions adapted to specific conditions in target countries.
Ecosystem restoration in combination with diverse crop production in regenerative agricultural systems, mobile biorefineries for biomass conversion to high-value compounds and bioenergy, and the highly innovative clay-based micro-irrigation system “SLECI” (Self-regulating, Low Energy, Claybased Irrigation) are solutions developed by DIVAGRI.
In addition, building on community participation and co-development of collaborative business models, the project will enable smallholder farmers to increase income and generate new economic opportunities while guaranteeing food security, real rural opportunities, and sustainability.