Another technology we presented to our small scale farmers is the way to extract valuable ingredients from special plants by biorefinery.
The destillation of alcohol from palms. First introduction to the small scale factory at our demo site of our farmer John.
Mixing the palm wine several times to continue the process.
Two experts are testing the quality of the destilled product and discuss about percent or permille!

Presentation of the German oilmill from OELWERK at our Agege Farm
Dr. Edu Muhammad, director and founder of the Edu Herbal Clinic in our neighbour village Baifikrom, explains the principle of his spice mill.
After milling and boiling of 7 different herbs, the BE STRONG tonic is filtered and poured into bottles.

One of our technology steps into the DIVAGRI future is biorefinery. Originally, ethanol was intended to be produced as the end result of a refinery process. We want to align our activities even more deeply with the medical process and have therefore started a cooperation with the EDU HERBAL CLINIC in Baifikrom, which has cross-generational experience in the production of natural essences from local plants and their use. In Ghana, the cultivation of medicinal plants has always been part of the life of small-scale farmers.
The small scale farmers can be involved in the process of growing medicinal plants and at the same time experience the entire value chain from the simple medicinal plant to the highly refined and high-priced end product with profit sharing opportunities at various points in the production chain.

The leaflet shows the wide range and innovative perspective of Mr. Edus herbal clinic with own laboratory and factory of all the medical products.

Together with the innovative German CROMIND Technologies engineering office and production company, we want to explore value chains for Ghanaian farmers.
The first mill tests are carried out with a professional stainless steel oil mill from Ölwerk company.