Im Rahmen eines internationalen Workshops ist Ende Februar 2020 ein kleines Wirtschaftsgebäude aus Laterit-Lehmsteinen auf dem Gelände der Agege-Farm gebaut worden. Die ungebrannten, gepressten INTERLOCKING bricks des ghanaischen startups MAGGLO lassen sich mörtellos stapeln und innerhalb weniger Tage konnten wir (Laien und Fachleute) ein kleines Gebäude daraus errichten.

first day measurements

using German black film against rising damp

at some places we had to use some sand inbetween the courses to level the layers

more and specialised bricks for the ledges of the building

its very important to check the level at openings after every layer and to adjust the layers with sand - if necessary

the building is growing, hour by hour

filling the holes with liquid laterite and sand

closing of some too big joints with laterite before filling the holes

checking if the liquid laterite mix penetrated deep enough

the walls can be simply adjusted with a rubber hammer

simple animation of the agricultural building before the start of the project

almost finished house from lateritic earth stones, sponsored by MAGGLO